Home - Didattica - Progetti Europei - Smile
Presentazione del progetto
Context information
Programme Erasmus+
Key ActionKA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good
Action TypeKA229 - School Exchange Partnerships
Call Year2018
Start of Project 10/09/2018
End of Project 09/09/2020
Project Duration (months) 24
Project information
Project Title Sea and Music in Intercultural Lifelong Education
Project Acronym SMILE
Project Status Follow-up
Project Main Objective Exchange of Good Practices
National Agency
National Agency IT02 - Agenzia Nazionale Erasmus+ - INDIRE
Dall’anno scolastico 2018/2019 il nostro Istituto è partner di un
progetto europeo Erasmus+, a conferma del costante interesse che il
“Regina Margherita” ha nella promozione di attività formative che
forniscano agli studenti gli strumenti di conoscenza e le competenze
necessarie a diventare cittadini europei consapevoli e attivi.
Il progetto SMILE è nato dall’idea che siamo parte di un sistema
economico e geopolitico globale. Alle nostre scuole viene richiesto
di promuovere tra gli studenti una sempre maggiore conoscenza e
consapevolezza dei cambiamenti globali, ma anche di prepararli ad
affrontare con successo le sfide proposte da una società che diventa
sempre più multietnica e multiculturale. Da ciò nasce il bisogno di
formare studenti sempre più aperti alla diversità e capaci di
cooperare e convivere con individui di altre nazionalità e culture
senza dimenticare la dimensione culturale e identitaria a cui
Il progetto coinvolge 5 Paesi: Grecia, Cipro, Spagna, Portogallo e
Italia. Scuola capofila è la Music School di Vartholomio (Grecia).
Le scuole coinvolte hanno tutte dipartimenti di musica, teatro e
Tutti i materiali delle attività svolte saranno disponibili sul blog
appositamente creato per il progetto
erasmussmile.blogspot.com , accessibile a tutti e sul Twinspace
di etwinning
www.etwinning.net , accessibile agli iscritti alla piattaforma.
Le classi coinvolte sono le terze classi del Liceo Musicale e
Coreutico che si confronteranno sul tema della musica e della danza
come linguaggi universali che superando tutte le barriere, fisiche e
non, permettono l’incontro tra gli esseri umani e come il mare
creano vie di comunicazione tra i popoli. L’inglese sarà la lingua
veicolare del progetto
From the school year 2018/2019, our school is one of the partners of
an Erasmus Plus project, as evidence of the continuous interest
Regina Margherita High School has had in promoting educational
activities and giving students more and more knowledge tools and
skills to become aware and active European citizens.
SMILE project has spread from the idea that we are part of a global
economic and geopolitical system. In so many words, we are becoming
one world. Our schools are being asked to instill in our children
not only an awareness and appreciation for changing global
circumstances, but also to prepare them to successfully deal with
challenges presented by an increasingly multiethnic and
multicultural community. We need to make our students tolerant and
receptive to coexisting and cooperating with students of various
nations and cultures.
The project involves 5 countries: Greece, Spain, Portugal, Cyprus
and Italy. The leading school is the Vartholomio Music School (
Greece). All the involved schools have Music Dance and Drama
Departments. All materials of activities will be on the specially
made blog erasmussmile.blogspot.com , available to everybody and on
Twinspace of etwinning www.etwinning.net ,only available to
The third classes of our Music and Dance Courses have been involved
in this project.
We decided to demonstrate what the elements that can help nations
come together and overcome any prejudices are elements directly
connected to our school curricula and our countries' geographical
position. These elements are music and sea. Music has always been
viewed as a powerful tool in breaking barriers and promoting
cross-cultural appreciation. There is a long and strong history of
all our countries using music as a vehicle to promote cultural
understanding. Music is the universal language with an appeal that
transcends language, cultural or religious boundaries. Engaging in
musical activities with people of another culture or country can
increase cultural understanding and tolerance. In addition, the sea
unites people and countries across the globe.
Thus, teachers of our project will develop transdisciplinary
thinking and use innovative teaching methods and skills that will
prepare students for lifelong learning in an undisciplined world. We
will also use storytelling, a technique which through narrative let
people share and interpret experiences. Human knowledge is based on
stories and stories mirror human thought; they can help people
organize and understand facts and can be universally shared, so
bridging cultural and linguistic barriers.
Being in contact with people from other cultures and discovering how
they deal with the same subjects is essential for our students. It
will be motivating for all the school community (parents, teachers,
students, etc) to feel that we share the same needs and objectives
as the rest of the European countries, promoting in this way a sense
of European awareness, so necessary for the future of the younger
generations. We find it of paramount importance to create an
inclusive and global society in which problems are dealt with
equally and solutions are found everywhere.
filmato | formato pdf | formato pdf |
SMILE libro sui miti e le leggende del mare, scritto e illustrato
dagli studenti SMILE (scarica il pdf)
Disseminazione del progetto Erasmus+ SMILE attraverso la stampa italiana, greca, spagnola e portoghese | |||
LTT activities - Palermo 11/02/2020 - 17/02/2020 |
LTT activities - Spain 15/10/2019 - 21/10/2019
Tales and Music: Multiculturalism
Coreografia Laura Miraglia
Musica Alberto Maniaci
Il video della coreografia 'Arethusa and Alpheus- Water
Mirror', realizzata dalla prof.ssa Laura Miraglia,
è stato presentato il 16 ottobre 2019 a Rincon del la Victoria
in seno al Progetto europeo Erasmus+ 'Sea and Music in Intercultural
Lifelong Education' SMILE
coordinato dalla prof.ssa Patrizia Angelico.
Coreografia e Ideazione di Laura Miraglia
Musica originale di Brenda Maria Vaccaro
Costumi Xanto srl
Interpreti: Arethusa Chiara Sutera, Alfeo Fabio Scaturro, Artemide
Sefora Sancarlo,
Acqua: Naomi Badalamenti, Erika Bologna,
Martina Schirò, Stefy Garofalo, Marta Lo Nigro, Laura Melluso
Violino: Bruno Vaccaro
Grancassa: G. Lo Giudice
Pianoforte: Brenda Maria Vaccaro
Video Editing: Maurizio De Francisci
Coordinatore del progetto: Patrizia Angelico
Paesi partecipanti al progetto: Italia, Grecia, Spagna, Cipro,
November- December 2018 - Logo design competition
December – January 2018/2019
Designing posters for a Calendar
Meetings with school partners
Getting ready for the LTT in Cyprus From February 16th to
February 22nd